The aircraft carrier is the archetypal weapon of the twentieth century. Born in World War I it became the most significant weapon during the Pacific Campaign in World War II. Today it is still a powerful tool in the hands of both the American and Soviet Navies. The history of the Aicraft Carriers describes not only their use throughout many conflicts. Technical descriptions of the development of the planes and the ships themselves are illustrated through cut-away diagrams and line drawings. The aircraft carriers, the men who fought on them, the planes that flew from them and the battles in which they fought are brilliantly described by Britain's foremost naval historian. Antony Preston, author of numerous works such as Destroyers, U-Boats, Navies of World War II and Navies of the American Revolution. With over 300 photographs in colour and black and white, together with drawings, charts and maps, the history of the Aircraft Carriers should prove to be a collector's item for all naval buffs and students of war at sea in the the twentieth century for many years to come.