
Graptolite Net

Pterobranchites Kozlowski, 1967

Class Graptolithoidea, Ordo Cephalodiscoidea, Family uncertain

Diagnosis. - "Colonie composée de tubes et vésicules de différent calibre, irrégulierement réunis entre eux, et
de theques vésiculeuses étirées en tube cylindrique. Tours les éléments ont la structure fusellaire et sont
recouverts d'une commune couche corticale."
From Kozlowski 1967, p. 123.

Pterobranchites antiquus Kozlowski, 1967.
Tiny fragments, presumably from the single colony. Llandeilo, deep boring Krzyze 4, depth 473m.
From Kozlowski, 1967.

Remarks. - Pterobranchites has been assigned by Bulman (1970) to the living family Cephalodiscidae. The data on
ultrastructure of periderm raise some doubts with reference to affiliation of that form to cephalodiscids (Mierzejewski
1984). Periderm of
Pterobranchites markedly differs in structure from that of modern cephalodiscids in number of
layers and character of material.

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Kozlowski, R. 1967. Sur certain fossiles ordoviciens a test organique. - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 12, 2, 99-132.
Mierzejewski, P. 1984. Pterobranchites Kozlowski, 1967 - an aberrant graptolite? - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 20,
1/2, 83-89.

Occurence. - Ordovician (Llandeilo) of Poland. Known only from the type locality (deep boring Krzyze 4, depth 473 m).